Final program SWEG 2016

Here is the finalprogram for SWEG 2016, including names of discussants.

Monday the  1st of February:

Informal get-together at Kick Café at 20.00 (just across the street from Hotel Norge).

Tuesday 2nd February

Place: UiA, room  IU 069

Time Post Resp. / Author(s) Discussant Title
09.30 Registration and coffee
10.00 Welcome


Dean Anne Halvorsen
10.15 Paper session 1 Christian Østergaard Madsen and Sara Hoffman






Towards a pre-emptive channel positioning strategy

Chantal Mutimukwe,

Åke Grönlund and Ella Kolkowska

Jesper E-Government Privacy Protection Principles
11.30 -12.30 Paper session 2  

Duong Dang and Samuli Pekkola

Arild Enterprise Architecture Problems in the Public Sector in a Developing Country
Paula Mäki-Lohiluoma, Pasi Hellsten and Samuli Pekkola Carl Erik Characteristics of the Public Sector IS Acquisitions


12.30 -13.30 Lunch break
13.30-14.30 Paper session 3 Arild Jansen,

Göran Goldkuhl, Jesper B. Berger

Øystein First choice, free choice or no choice:
Policy, design and effects for digital post
in the Scandinavian countries
Marius Johannesen and Øystein Sæbø Katarina Applying the online community lens on Scandinavian eParticipation: Tensions and their consequences for participatory outcome
14.30-14. 45 Coffee break
14.45-15.45 Paper session 4 Solange Mukamurenzi, Åke Grönlund, M. Sirajul Islam Peter Evaluation Models for eGovernment: A literature review
Holgersson, J., Ulf Melin, Ida Lindgren and Karin Axelsson


Paula Exploring user participation practice in public e-service

development –

why, how and in whose interest?

16.00-17.00 Panel/workshop Tim Majchrzak and

Trond Knudsen

(Session chair: Leif Flak)

Horizon 2020 calls, proposal work for these

Dinner at  19:00: Håndverkeren

Wednesday, 3rd of February

Place: I1 066

Time Post Resp. / Author(s) Discussant Title
09.00 – 10.00 Panel Maung K. Sein (moderator), Helle Zinner Henriksen, Katarina Lindblad-Gidlund, Carl Erik Moe and Eva Berglund Åsland All The coming challenges of e-Government
10.00 Coffee break
10.15 – 11.15 Paper session 5 Katarina L. Gidlund


Solange Universal, Partial or Representative Design of public e-services
Peter Andre Busch Ulf  

Putting the

e into e-government


11.15 – 11.45 Project presentation Leif Flak and Hans Solli-Sæther
11.45 – 12.00 Wrap-up  Øystein Sæbø
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

Welcome to SWEG 2016!

We are approaching SWEG, which will take place here at UiA Campus Gimlemoen, at the 2nd and 3rd of February. We really look forward to see you all here soon!

We expect to send  reviews back to authors and to announce the program  next week (around the 20th of January). The workshop will start at 10.00 Tuesday the 2nd, and will end around 14.30 on Wednesday the 3rd.

Please register for the conference here: The conference fee (750 Nok) includes lunches both days and conference dinner Tuesday night.

Concerning your stay, we have made an agreement with Hotel Norge  for those who are interested. You book your room directly by phone  or e-mail, providing the reference number: 370189. The price is then 948 NoK including breakfast.

There are several other hotels located in the city centre (you may find some of them here, but be aware that some of these, like Abra Havn, are outside the city) . The best budget alternative may be Yess Hotel!

Please send us an e-mail with any questions you may have concerning the conference. We really look forward to see you here soon!

Best wishes,

Calle, Leif and Øystein




Pris for beste artikkel innen eForvaltning


Mihoko Samurai, som er ansatt som post-doc innen fagfeltene krisehåndtering og eForvaltning, vant prisen for beste artikkel innen eForvaltning ved The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Her er utdrag fra UiAs interne nyhetsmelding om denne saken (skrevet av Jan Arve Olsen):

“Artikkelen er basert på deler av Mihoko Sakurais doktorgradsarbeid fra 2015 om hvilken lærdom som kan trekkes fra jordskjelvkatastrofen i Tohoko i Japan i 2011 når det gjelder å utvikle effektive informasjonssystemer for krisehåndtering. Som sådan fremstår artikkelen også som svært internasjonal, med bidrag fra både Norge, USA og Japan. Mihoko Sakurai er oppført som førsteforfatter med professorene Richard T. Watson fra USA og Jiro Kokuryo fra Japan som henholdsvis andre- og tredjeforfatter.”

Vi gratulerer!

Public Sector PhD

Early november, it was confirmed that Kristiansand municipality and the regional hospital, in collaboration with the University of Agder, has been granted two doctoral applications by the Research Council of Norway, in the new scheme called “Public Sector PhD”.

– I am very happy that UoA has got two of the first research fellows in the “Public Sector PhD” scheme. They will be working with very relevant and important questions, says Torunn Lauvdal, Rector of the University of Agder, in a press release.

My fellow PhD students got their funding!

Health Technology

Via this scheme public sector employees can apply for funding for a PhD. They will focus on research issues of interest to the public sector, and the work will hopefully result in the public sector strengthening its services.

The PhD students, Kirsti Askedal and Geir Thore Berge, received two doctoral scholarships, and both of them will do research on health technology. Now that they got their funding, they can fully focus on the PhD work. And we are of course very happy for them smiley

Does research on efficiency

Kirsti, who is a trained nurse and has a Masters degree in health science, is now employed in Kristiansand municipality. She will do research on the economic and human benefits of efficiency and change initiatives in the municipal health and care sector.

– This is incredibly exciting. I’m looking forward to getting started, says Kirsti in the press release.

Patient Data

Geir Thore is employed at the regional hospital in Kristiansand and is managing the unit dealing with clinical ICT systems. He is a trained nurse and has a Masters degree in Information Systems.

Geir Thore will investigate the structuring of information and patient data in healthcare, and he will also look at how patient records can be structured better.

Successful eGovernment Workshop

Our centre held a workshop on eGovernment on the 15th and 16th of September with guests from Sweden, Denmark and New Zealand(!). We had some interesting discussions on future collaboration on research projects, seminars, PhD and master courses and so on. The scholars presented their ongoing and completed research, and a proposal from a PhD student was also presented. During this last session, students from a course in eGovernment was present and took part in the discussion. We look forward to further collaboration!

eGov workshop 16.09.2014

eGov workshop 16.09.2014

Best paper at EGOV 2014

The annual international IFIP Electronic Government (EGOV) conference is the European core conference in the domain of ICT in the public sector. Each year, scholars from all over the globe present the state of the art and most recent innovations in e-government, e-governance and related fields of study. Since its beginnings in 2001, the EGOV conference has provided important guidance for research and development in this fast-moving domain of study. The IFIP EGOV conference brings together leading researchers and professionals from across the globe and from a number of disciplines. E-government research demonstrates its relevance to practice and, consequently, influences and shapes government strategies and implementations. Conversely, e-government practice also inspires e-government research. EU eGovernment initiatives are presented and discussed, as well as a variety of papers within the field of eGovernment.

This year, the conference was held Sep. 1st – Sep. 3rd in Dublin @ Trinity College and gathered approx. 80-90 scholars in the eGov research field. Four scholars from Centre for e-government at University of Agder attended the conference: Leif S. Flak (associate professor), Carl Erik Moe (associate professor), Øyvind Helland (PhD Research Fellow) and Helle Zinner Henriksen (employed at Copenhagen Business School). Former PhD Research Fellow at the University of Agder (and now associate professor at Buskerud and Vestfold University College) also attended the conference.

Participants @ EGOV 2014

Some of the participants @ EGOV 2014:
Øyvind Hellang, Frank Bannister, Carl Erik Moe, Leif S. Flak and Helle Zinner Henriksen

This year, two papers from our department were competing for the same award for the first time! One of the nominees was the paper “Proposing an Entrepreneurial Process for Co-creation of IT Value” by Hans Solli-Sæther and Leif Skiftenes Flak. However, it was Carl Erik Moe and Maung K. Sein who won the award for the most compelling, critical research reflection with their paper “Dialectics and contradictions in public procurement of Information systems”. Congrats to our good colleagues for this great achievement! It’s also worth mentioning that Marius Rohde Johannessen also got nominated for the best paper award (in another category). We already look forward to next year’s conference!

Carl Erik Moe receives the best paper award for the most compelling, critical research reflection

Carl Erik Moe receives the best paper award for the most compelling, critical research reflection

Kan lærerne vinne via sosiale medier?

Kan lærerne vinne via sosiale medier, spør førsteamanuensis Øystein Sæbø ved senter for e-forvaltning. Svaret er at sosiale medier får svært få til å endre mening, men er viktige for å mobilisere dem som allerede har tatt standpunkt.

Selv om mange sider ved årets lærerstreik må kunne sies å følge relativt tradisjonelle mønstre, har vi også sett noe nytt: Mengden av aktivitet via sosiale medier. Twitter og Facebook koker over av meldinger som i all hovedsak støtter opp om lærernes krav og uttrykker misnøye med KS‘ rolle.

Hvilken rolle kan sosiale medier spille i slike sammenhenger? Få, om noen, har forsket spesifikt på sosiale mediers rolle i forbindelse med en streik. Vi vet mer om hvordan dette påvirker politisk meningsutveksling og massemobilisering av mennesker. Kanskje noen erfaringer herfra kan bidra til å belyse dagens aktuelle situasjon?

Facebook-side som benyttes av mange lærere i den pågående konflikten med KS.

Facebook-side som benyttes av mange lærere i den pågående konflikten med KS.

Sosiale medier er ingen quick fix på de utfordringer vi har knyttet til mangel på meningsdannelse og utveksling av ideer mellom personer med ulike synspunkter. Ofte blir de rene talerstoler for de parter som tenker at de har noe å tjene på å benytte dem.

Hvem er det i den pågående streiken? Selvsagt lærerne, som med sitt overlegne antall og en klar forståelse av at de slår nedenfra og opp mot overmakten, benytter slike muligheter til å fortelle sine historier. Det er dermed også ganske opplagt at vi finner få innlegg til fordel for KS og arbeidsgiverne.

Hva tjener disse på å engasjere seg i nettdebatter, og hvem skulle dette være? Hvem representerer KS? Og hvem forsvarer dem? Hvilken ordfører, som representant for arbeidsgiverne, ser seg tjent med å stå opp i en slik sak mot lærere i egen kommune? Det ligger i sakens natur at dette blir den ene sidens arena i en konflikt hvor motparten med stor grad av sannsynlighet vet at de har lite å tjene på å delta.

Les hele kronikken på Kommunal Rapport sine sider.

Open position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow

The University of Agder invites applications for a temporary full-time position for a period of two years as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Information Systems. The position is located at Campus Gimlemoen, Kristiansand, Norway. The starting date is negotiable.

The position is intended to strengthen two of the focused research areas in the Department of Information Systems: e-Government and emergency management information systems. This research is organized in two centres, Centre for eGovernment ( and Centre for Integrated Emergency Management (, and the research fellow will be affiliated with both centres.

The post-doctoral fellow will be expected to contribute to research on how ICT may facilitate collaboration and interoperation between actors involved in emergency management, across municipal, regional and national levels. The objective is to support effective information sharing between emergency management stakeholders through integration of information from available sources, contributing to enhanced resilience and situational awareness. Of particular interest is the role of emerging technologies and social media for facilitating e-Participation and citizen engagement in different phases of emergency preparedness and management. Knowledge and experience with analysis of open data is also considered relevant. The post-doctoral fellow will work with representatives from local government and from emergency management stakeholders, and is expected to contribute to developing applications for relevant project calls from national and international funding sources.

Full position announcement:
Application deadline: August 31st, 2014

For more information, please contact:

Bjørn Erik Munkvold
Department of Information Systems
University of Agder
Post box 422, 4604 Kristiansand, Norway
Ph. +47 38141772 / Mob. +47 48125922

Videreutdanningskurs innen eForvaltning

Høsten  2014 arrangerer senter for eForvaltning ved Universitetet i Agder videreutdanningskurs (10 studiepoeng) knyttet til temaet «e-Forvaltning».

Kurset reflekterer over IKTs rolle som en integrert del av infrastrukturen og tjenesteproduksjonen i offentlig sektor. Bruk av ny teknologi har allerede ført til omfattende endringer i organisering og arbeidsprosesser, og star overfor store muligheter og utfordringer med tanke på å arbeide smart for å utnytte de mulighetene teknologien gir. Vi vil spesielt på gevinstrealisering, med introduksjon av metoder og teknikker offentlig sektor bør benyttes for å realisere nyttepotensialet som ligger i innovativ bruk av IKT.

Kurset retter seg mot politikere og ansatte i statlige og kommunale virksomheter som ønsker kunnskap om hvordan IKT kan gi bedre forvaltning i form av mer strømlinjeformet offentlige tjenester og bedre lovmessighet i tjenesteproduksjonen, og som er nysgjerrig på hvordan IKT-investeringer kan ledes for å realisere størst mulig nytte for virksomheten og samfunnet.

Kurset er samlingsbasert med samlinger i på UiA i Kristiansand, og nettstøttet aktivitet mellom disse. Første samling blir 16. og 17. september, med andre samling 29. og 30. oktober. Mer informasjon om kurset og påmelding finner du her.

Vi oppfordrer alle til å søke innen søknadsfristen 01.06, men det vil også være mulig å melde seg på også etter denne datoen. Ønsker du mer informasjon om kurset, ta gjerne kontakt med kursansvarlig

Dette kurset er en del av en masterutdannelse innen ledelse med spesialisering innen eForvaltning. 

Avlyst seminar: Designing citizen-centric eGovernment services

Vi beklager å måtte avlyse dette seminaret på kort varsel. Sandeep Purao, vår hovedragsforeholder, har fått endret flyreise i siste liten, og ankommer Kristiansand først sent på ettermiddagen 27.03. Vi velger derfor å avlyse og å komme sterkere tilbake neste gang.

Time: Thursday, 27.03, 13.00 to 15.00
Place: UiA Campus Gimlemoen, Room H2 024
Registration below (the seminar is free): by Monday 24.03

The Center for eGovernment, Department of  Information Systems (Senter for eForvaltning ved institutt for Informasjonssystemer), UiA, will organize a seminar on “Designing citizen-centric eGovernment services”.  The objective of the seminar is to highlight  the importance of placing the citizen at the center of developing eGovernment services. It will feature presentations of ongoing international research projects and a panel discussion on key aspects of the topic. The seminar will be of interest to a wide audience: practitioners who develop solutions to problems in the public sector, academics who do research in the area and students in eGovernment, information systems and public administration.

The seminar will be organized as follows:

13.00 – 13.30: Introduction to the seminar

Research presentation: A Method for Designing Value-infused Citizen Services in Smart Cities, Professor Sandeep Purao, Penn State University, USA

13.30 – 13.45: Discussion

13.45 – 14.00: Break

14.00 – 14.40: Panel: For Whom do we design eGovernment services: What, Why and How?

Moderator: Professor Maung Sein, University of Agder


  • Professor Sandeep Purao,  Penn State University, USA
  • Professor Virpi Tuunainen, Aalto University, Finland
  • Professor Matti Rossi, Aalto University, Finland
  • Dr. Leif Flak, University of Agder
  • Mr. Øyvind Hellang, University of Agder

14.40 – 15.00: Open discussion
